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Oct 31, 2019

I am dedicating today's episode to talking all about the DUTCH Hormone test!

The DUTCH test not only the hormones but also the metabolism of those hormones! This is a urine test and will give you a much more complete picture vs a blood test which only gives you a snapshot of what is in your system at that moment.


Oct 28, 2019

Christine Hassler is the best-selling author of three books, most recently Expectation Hangover: Free Yourself From Your Past, Change your Present and Get What you Really Want. She left her successful job as a Hollywood agent to pursue a life she could be passionate about. For over a decade, as a keynote speaker,...

Oct 24, 2019

I am dedicating today's episode to answering all of your questions related to myths about hormones and weight loss! 

I cover a wide range of topics from "Is weight loss just calories in, calories out?" to "will eating carbs make me gain weight?" As women, we have been told so many lies about our health and its time to...

Oct 21, 2019

On today's podcast episode, I am diving into the topic of physical touch, and how important it is for your health. 

We live in a society where physical touch is not typically encouraged. It can be weird if someone leans in for that kiss on the cheek! As someone who grew up in a family who didn't participate in much...

Oct 17, 2019

I am dedicating today's episode to talking all about hysterectomies!

When you have a problem with your hormones that ends up creating a negative issue with your uterus, taking the uterus out might seem like the solution. However, you may not be dealing with the underlying issues! In this episode, I cover issues around...