Mar 30, 2023
When looking at hormones, perimenopause or menopause symptoms can be confusing! Some women lose their period/cycle and assume they are perimenopausal, when really a number of things can play into this. Genetic and health factors also play a big role, and some women CAN go into menopause in their late 30's/early...
Mar 27, 2023
One of the biggest lies told to women is that restricting calories and eating the same amount every single day will make them skinny. Not only does this NOT work, it causes many women to gain weight, lose muscle, binge eat and put stress on their hormones! In this episode, I want to highlight why low calorie and...
Mar 23, 2023
One of the most common ingredients I see in supplements designed for the female body is DIM. Diindolylmethane is a compound that the body creates when digesting cruciferous vegetables and it can have many positive effects on the female body. I recommend it to many women that I work with, but only after identifying...
Mar 20, 2023
Today's episode is dedicated to those of us who have tried everything, done everything, and tried to love the body we're in, but it's just not working. Many of us have gotten to the point of giving up because we aren't seeing results. Diets, exercise, tests, trainers,'s too much! This message will dive into...
Mar 16, 2023
This episode is dedicated to mindset, tools to achieve your goals, and the right map to follow for results. Setting realistic goals is one thing, but following the right journey to get there is another. The diet and fitness industry often has a one size fits all approach, which will actually harm most women. An...