Jul 24, 2023
Backed by a team as passionate about nutrition as she is, Dr. Balliett has utilized her extensive knowledge of biochemistry, nutrition, and physiology to launch Potential Power Nutrition as a supplement company that makes products which both taste great and deliver measurable results.
Dr. Balliett became interested in nutrition over 50 years ago while
studying biology and taking courses which would later become the
core curriculum of the biochemistry program at Cornell University.
The field of biochemistry was in its nascent stages, and Dr.
Balliett immediately fell in love with a discipline that promised
to unlock the secrets of the body. That passion led her to go on to
become a chiropractor and then a professor, later serving as the
Dean for the Nutrition Program at New York Chiropractic College
(now Northeast College of Health Sciences).
Dr. Balliett is a leader in the field of nutrition, with a near
unmatched proficiency in the study of biochemistry, nutrition,
physiology, and the intersection of these three disciplines where
with the proper level of understanding a person can influence their
metabolism to function at peak performance.
In the past few years many people have heard the phrase
bioavailable forms, when talking about vitamins and minerals. Dr.
Balliett has been teaching the importance of supplement forms and
quantity for over 25 years. Aside from bioavailability, she puts a
strong emphasis on content and interaction. As a researcher running
clinical studies for over 20 years, Dr. Balliett knows that it
isn’t enough to make a supplement that makes you feel great for 2
weeks before your body crashes as the metabolic imbalance catches
up to you.
The team at Potential Power Nutrition knows there is no such thing
as “biohacking”, there is only putting in the work and giving your
body the nutrients, it needs in the ideal forms to reach the level
of performance you strive for.
When she set out to start this company, Dr. Balliett wanted one
thing; to make products that achieve measurable results that are
easy for Doctors, Dietitians, Nutritionists, and other
professionals within the Nutrition industry to recommend. Those are
the products we make at Potential Power Nutrition, because here we
only have one goal; helping you to Unlock Your Potential!
Dr. Balliett is a Doctor of Chiropractic and has a Masters in
Applied Clinical Nutrition from New York Chiropractic College, as
well as a having a Bachelor of Science in Biology from Cornell
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